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Press Releases:
DCG, Inc. adds aggregates forecasts by county to the DCG Open Forecasting Platform. While DCG has been forecasting aggregates demand for over 15 years this is the first time the forecasts have been made available to web site users.
The DCG Open Forecasting Platform system which allows users to import a forecast from any source has been released to beta users. New mapping tools have also been added that give users a better geographic view of markets by county.
The David Chereb Group, which specializes in leading indicators for construction materials, adds drill down, thematic mapping and detailed pdf report creation to its powerful web based construction materials forecasting system. These new capabilities give field marketing personnel and headquarters managers multiple views of current and future market conditions at the local level.
As with all of the DCG, Inc. forecasting tools, these new county based tools can be rolled up into state and custom market views.
DCG, Inc. makes the Generation II forecasting system available to Lafarge Corp. This web based system analyzes business conditions at the county level to yield construction forecasts by county, by quarter, by major construction segment. Both on-line and pdf reports are produced for over 3140 areas in both the U.S. and Canada.
DCG, Inc. delivers LLLIS to Lafarge Corp. The Lafarge Local Leading Indicators System is a software based program for end users that provides managers with a comprehensive snapshot of their local markets.
Book released. Sign of the Times: New Strategies for the Digital Economy.